4th Aug 2011

12h00 – Had a nice long lay-in this morning recovering from 2 nights of poor sleep in Auxerre Central Hospital.

HEART – The news is GOOD, after my coronary catheterizationI have been given a clear report as regards my heart.  There is nothing wrong.

Tagged, no escape

Tagged, no escape

When the specialist told me “Monsieur Reeder, votre cœur est bon”, I was still lying flat, pinned down under the X-ray machine and I started to tremble with relief.  The whole experience was one of some apprehension not just about the outcome but the proceedure?  I had full confidence in the French medical profession but it still not stop you getting a tiny bit nervous.  More detail below if you want it.   The question is now however, What is causing my breathlessness?  P has come up



with a condition called Exercise Induced Asthma EIA [Asthma induit par l’exercise AIE] which seems as though it might fit the bill.  As yet we have found few articles in French about it to present to the local GP.  I used to hill walk a lot years ago and I was always breathless for the first 15-20 minutes or so then everything semmed to clear, it’s only recently that I’m getting out of breath on relatively small slopes.   So there’s some experimenting to do guided by my trusty wife Pauline and her Runner’s World colleagues.

CAT – This is all coupled with some sad news our latest young cat Cressidawas found dead on the roadside on Wednesday night.   We had only had her over a year and had just bought a new cat box for her so she could be more comfortable in travels in the car.  P showed me the spot where she was found by a freind Roger after she did not turn up for her evening meal.  There was still quite a lot of blood on the roadside, we are assuming she was hit by a vehicle as she came across the verge into the road.

Cressida and Sesame

Cressida and Sesame

Roger helped P bury her as flies and ants were already busy on the body.  The other 3 cats, Sesame, Calico and Jéton, are fine, although Sesame will no doubt miss her as they were good pals, see picture above.  We’ve had a few cats over the last few years and integration with the existing family is quite difficult.  Cressida and Sesame got on well, Calico tolerated Cressida but Jéton still kept his distance.  I had noticed of late them both being together at the bottom of the garden.  Well that’s now in the past.

Lawn mowing

Lawn mowing

15h00 – I now do feel really relieved and did not realize how much the heart issue was having on me, I’m off to cut some grass, lawn that is.   The sheep last week did not do much of a job, fortunately.



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