14h00 – Temperature 27°C, sunny, little cloud, no wind. Spent the morning in Briare at the Friday market got loads of fruit for juices and some cheese and salmon for me.
The gardener’s have been very busy next door, the whole of Eric’s house is now visible, I hope they don’t over do it.
17h00 – Eric the neighbour arrived, we had some discussion about his garden improvements and he wanted to come and look at my garage, after all it was him who gave it to me. He was surprised I had not put tiles on the roof.
19h00 – Right now we are off to a concert, part of the Val De Jazz series near the river Loire. An evening in Bonny sur loire about a 20 minute drive from where we live. Two parts the first some Gospel Singers (not really my scene) and then a hommage to Django Reinhardt it’s 100 years since he was born 1910 – 2010.