12h00 – Late night last night not just because Roger and I went to La Damoiselle in Saint Fargeau for dinner, very good it was too, thanks Roger, but because I had that afternoon discover the Personal Video Database (PVD). It does everything I think I need ….
- It can import from my existing data.
- It can get more extensive data from loads of sources.
- You can add custom fields; for example I have 2 catalogue numbers, 1 for the main file and 1 for the Sony jukebox.
- It cross references just about everything, films, actors, directors etc etc.
- It can export data in a variety of formats and if you are not happy with that you can write your own. I export data to my existing MS Acess database where I have printouts already set up.
I like it a lot, so much so it kept me up until 04h00 messing with it.