3rd August 2010

09h30 – Up a bit late this morning it was gone midnight last night when we got too bed.  A successful BBQ, everybody brought something, wine, bread from Nichola’s bakery at Mezilles.   Had two trianglar sunshades (from JYSK at Cosne sur Loire) on flying ropes that protected us from the slight showers, the BBQ itself was under an umbrella shade,  snowball-lights (IKEA) and vine-lights (Habitat) lit the whole scene.  P had prepared a vegan bean dish, which was absolutely delicious, and a salad.   Meanwhile I tenderised some pork which I grilled with beef sausages (merguez) for the omnivores.

The night finshed with Roger and Frances on guitars and Pauline, Stephie and Frances singing.

19h00 – Just finished a BIG shop in Auxerre, went to the organic shop Germinal, part of Bio-Coop, then headed off to Leader Price to stock up on paper products, toilet rolls, kitchen rolls tissues etc.  Finished off at Brico-Depot where I bought a new central heating pump, an automatic bleed valve and some more special fixing nails for the garage roof.   Then finally Botanique garden centre where we bought nothing, that’s a first.

Despite many, many visits to all these places I still need a map to find my way around Auxerre.

L’Echiquier web-site.

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