09h30 – P thinks we have some Purslane in the garden. Got home late last night from Saint-Bris via Béon. I did not go to the concert but took some photos around the village, this was foreshortened however by a shower of rain. I returned to the car to read my New Scientist but had failed to bring my Petzl Zipka headlamp or borrow P’s and the car interior light was not good enough for me to read by. So I tried BBC Radio 4 on long wave and got surprisingly good reception. Next thing I knew P was back in the car and I had missed what was on the radio.
10h00 – Summertime and the sun-flowers are twisting. Went for a short walk to take
photos of P in the sun-flowers. Unfortunately the petals have started to drop due to lack of rain, so no correct picture was available. Cats all present and correct.
17h00 – Started to set up the BBQ area, the new position had worked well for the DIY pizza night and we had 7 arriving this evening, people not pizzas. Roger, Veronica, Catherine, Frances, Stephie and Saskia.