17h00 – The end of July. Not a lot achieved today, tidied up the new shed to allow the existing garage to be cleared. Flamenco at Ratilly tonight, ought to be good, or will it be Manouche ?.
- RAPHAËL FAYS et TITO, duo de guitares Flamenco
- Raphaël Fays, guitariste considéré comme l’héritier de Django Reinhardt, est aussi unpassionné de Flamenco. Il jouera ce soir-là comme l’un de ses disques, A l’aube d’une nuit d’été…
Pretty warm outside with a bit of a breeze. Should get some £s transferred this weekend, how I wish the £:€ was as it was 3 years ago.
P’s making bread with the addition of some maize and in the French épi style (ear of wheat). Cats all sound asleep on the upper mezzanine.